A Canadian author strides to find a story for his novel from Pi Patel (Irrfan Khan). As Pi recounts when he was a teenage boy and his journey of survival, courage and faith; In the middle of the Pacific.
Pi Patel is a boy living in India with his mum, dad and brother in his dad’s zoo. During this time Pi discovers faith and believes he can face the tiger (Richard Parker) and feed him, before his dad stops him. I think this scene is very important in showing his relationship with animals and the faith he puts in them. Then Pi’s mum and dad decide to migrate to Canada and that’s where his adventure begins
Life of Pi is a story with many messages in it and get’s you thinking about many things. The way the film represents religion in a morally and visually beautiful thing works very well. There’s a scene where Pi’s mother is talking about her Hindu story when it becomes animated on your screen which is really beautiful to look at and gives an insight to what Pi is thinking.
I think that the film is very beautifully Shot and tells the story of Pi Patel very well. The transitions between past and present are clear and is very enjoyable to watch.
Rating 4/5