How is Lady Macbeth portrayed?

1. “Why, worthy thane,
You do unbend your noble strength to think
So brainsickly of things.”
I think the impression that i get of Lady Macbeth in this quote is that unsympathetic as she is calling her own husband a coward because of feeling guilty of killing the king.
2.”That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold.”
I think this makes Lady Macbeth seem quite psychotic as she doesn’t feel guilt or any worry like Macbeth but she feels bold and satisfied by killing someone.
3.”That death and nature do contend about them,

Whether they live or die.”
This line gives me the impression that she is very calculated in the planning of the murder unlike Macbeth where i think he’s quite impulsive by doing things without thinking it through.
4.”My hands are of your color, but I shame

To wear a heart so white.”
By Lady Macbeth saying this quote it makes me think of her as very manipulative because she is using reverse psychology to try and make Macbeth prove that he isn’t a coward and that he is man enough not to let this to get to him so that he can do the dirty work.
5.”These deeds must not be thought

After these ways. So, it will make us mad.”
I think she does care for Macbeth thinking about both of them not just herself and also being practical because the more they think about it the more they will worry ultimately making it for more bad than good.