How is Lady Macbeth portrayed?
One response to “How is Lady Macbeth portrayed?”
Well chosen quotations and a good understanding of the different layers of Lady Macbeth’s character. You have considered the meaning of the quotations and how we interpret them. I think you are now capable of focusing even further on the language by picking out particular words and explaining why those words tell us what we think. This will develop your language analysis skills, for example: In the first quotation, which words particularly make you think she is calling him a coward? What impressions do we get of Lady Macbeth if she is calling her husband ‘brainsickly’ – what does this word make you think of? She doesn’t say ‘worry’ but brain-sick, what is the effect of this?.
Also make sure to read through your work with a focus on sentence length and structure. Separating your ideas into shorter sentences will help with clarity.